
Trailer 3405: How to Paint with Thickened Dyes and Use Thread Painting with Sue Sherman | The Potato Chip Block with Tracy Mooney

Debuting March 3, 2024: On the next Quilt Show, our Canadian guest Sue Sherman says that "If you're only thinking about yourself, then our world is in serious trouble." Sue creates activist art relating to climate change and wildlife habitat. Her images are stirring and memorable.


She how she paints on fabric, not with paint, but with thickened dyes to get realism in her animals. Then learn how Sue adds realism with thread painting. She'll even show you how she puts subtle messages into the background of her quilts.


Plus, Denver area local Tracy Mooney is teaching you the potato chip block. She says once you learn it you can't make just one.


Two talented artists, in one place, here at TheQuiltShow.com!



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