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Trailer 2705: The Colors of India with Kawandi and Free Form Quilt Blocks with Sujata Shah | Home Studio Tour Freddy Moran

Don't miss Sujata Shah and Freddy Moran as they show you Color, Finished Edge Appliqué, Raw Edge Appliqué, Improvisational Piecing, Fabric Folding, and Hand Piecing.

Both Sujata and Freddy have been inspired by color all of their lives. Sujata was inspired by the colors of India when she began making free-form quilt blocks and Kawandi, a scrap quilt, as it would be made by the Siddi. Sujata demonstrates how to make these quilts using scraps of clothing and recycled fabrics and very few tools. She also walks through the process of creating free-from quilt blocks that have a handmade look and Modern feel.

Then, Alex surprises Freddy Moran with a cake for her 90th Birthday. Take a look at Freddy's house which boasts 37 different colors and innumerable quilts and walk through her fabulous garden at the top of a hill. 

John Testaol
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Love this show! Freddy is great and Sujata makes you want to go to India.

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