
"Tina" - A Quilt by Laurie Ceesay Landree

In light of the recent passing of music legend Tina Turner, we want to highlight a wonderful wall quilt of her, also entitled Tina, by Laurie Ceesay Landree. Find out more, and see details, of this stunning quilt.


Here is what Laurie had to say about her quilt, "The quilt was made for Quilting Arts Magazine's Call to Entry about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2009. It was in the magazine twice I love Tina Turner because of her life story of survival, her inspiration to women, her talent and her classiness. The quilt is small at 8 1/2" x 11". it is raw edged fused appliqué, machine quilted, and the first time I embellished with nail polish. I used it as highlights in her hair."


Click Here to visit Laurie's website and see more of her quilts.


All Photos are by Laurie Ceesay Landree


Tina by Laurie Ceesay Landree




Tina by Laurie Ceesay Landree - Detail 1




Tina by Laurie Ceesay Landree - Detail 2




Tina by Laurie Ceesay Landree - Detail 3




Tina by Laurie Ceesay Landree - Detail 4




Judi Burr
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Beautiful quilt and beautiful tribute!!!

Karla Walker
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Amazing quilt honoring an amazing woman!

Maralee Ashby
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Your depiction of this iconic persona is fantastic. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

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Fabulous job! The eyes are especially well done and they can be incredibly difficult to do. It's immediately recognizable as Tina.

Lorraine Jacobsen
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Amazing! I think if Tina ever saw this she would be delighted. Beautifully done and a wonderful tribute to an amazing lady

Deb Ehlers
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Laurie, this is such a beautiful tribute to a true legend! You are an inspiration. Your work is amazing! I will be starting my first portrait quilt soon, inspired by your work. Your portrait quilts are so detailed. I love them. Deb Good Ehlers

Nancy McFarland
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Your quilt is a beautiful tribue to an amazing women. Our world has lost a beautiful soul.

Eileen Keane
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Brilliant tribute to a beautiful and super talented icon. May she rest in peace.

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love love
RIP Tina

Jansje Planting
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Thanks for sharing. Wonderful work.

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