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The Joanna S. Rose Red and White Quilt Collection on View

In 2011 Mrs. Rose’s husband, Daniel, proposed a special gift for her 80th birthday – a celebration of the Joanna S. Rose Red and White Collection in an exhibition at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City. “Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts,” coordinated by the American Folk Art Museum, featured 651 extraordinary quilts. Now you can take a virtual tour of that exhibit!


Joanna Rose donated the Infinite Variety quilts in honor of her husband Daniel and their 63rd wedding anniversary. In the fall of 2021, Mrs. Rose and her family oversaw the transfer of the quilts from their home to the International Quilt Museum.


The exhibit will be on display from April 1, 2022 through September 10, 2022 in the West Gallery​​ of the International Quilt Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska.


But if you can't make it to the museum, you can take a virtual tour of the exhibit by clicking the link below!


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more.




Margo Clabo
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I live 917 miles from Lincoln Nebraska, and have never been to the museum, but will make the trip to see this exhibit. I was honored to have a red and white quilt hanging in the Ruby Jubilee display in Houston in 2014, and still love seeing the...

I live 917 miles from Lincoln Nebraska, and have never been to the museum, but will make the trip to see this exhibit. I was honored to have a red and white quilt hanging in the Ruby Jubilee display in Houston in 2014, and still love seeing the variety of quilts that can be made with just red and white fabric. Thanks to TQS for sharing this virtual show with us!

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