
The Ardis James QSOS Scholars Program

From the Quilt Alliance"The Ardis James QSOS Scholars program funds educational and creative work that uses our collection of 1,200+ QSOS oral histories with quiltmakers. The program is open to researchers, artists, students, historians, folklorists, and any other quilt enthusiasts who will use interviews in the archive to inform new work." Find out how you can participate and become one of the two scholars selected for the 2024 program.


More from the Quilt Alliance:


"Calling all writers, artists, makers, researchers and scholars!


The Quilt Alliance is seeking proposals for the 2024 Ardis James QSOS Scholars program, which funds educational and creative work that makes use of its archive of more than 1,200 recorded oral histories with quiltmakers.


The program is open to researchers, artists, students, historians, folklorists, and any other quilt enthusiasts who will use the interviews in the QSOS (Quilters’ Save Our Stories) oral history project archive to inform new work. This may include essays, audio pieces, exhibitions, textile art, multimedia presentations, interactive content, creative writing, and more.


“Scholars” is defined broadly, and your work might include essays, audio pieces, exhibitions, textile art, multimedia presentations, interactive content, creative writing, and more. 2022 QSOS Scholars projects included a guide to making zines (informal self-published magazines) using QSOS interviews from Kyra Hicks, and an essay by Jess Bailey focusing on a single quilt by quiltmaker Rosa Angulo.


It’s our hope that the Ardis James QSOS Scholars Program will enable scholars and artists to dig into the archive and investigate those stories, making connections among interviews, finding common themes, placing histories in context, and spotlighting incredible moments.


The Quilt Alliance will select two scholars for the 2024 program and scholars will be expected to produce a piece to be presented on the Quilt Alliance website, and to share their work in an online Textile Talk presentation in 2024. Each scholar will receive a $1,000 honorarium."


Applications are due by December 15, 2023, 5 PM Eastern. Selected scholars will be notified by December 31, 2023. Completed projects will be due by March 31, 2024, with virtual presentations scheduled for early 2024.


Click here, or the image below, to learn more about the program and application process.




Stella Roberts
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Wow, I'd never heard about such a program before, but it's a very interesting one. It's a great opportunity for students not only to learn something new, do some research and just find out something new and interesting. I'm a student too, and I...

Wow, I'd never heard about such a program before, but it's a very interesting one. It's a great opportunity for students not only to learn something new, do some research and just find out something new and interesting. I'm a student too, and I always try to participate in different programs because it's all interesting to me. And in general, I think that nowadays there are a lot of educational opportunities. Some time ago I came across this service https://mysupergeek.com/psychology-assignment-help-service which helps me a lot with my tasks. Psychology is very interesting to me, but sometimes I don't have time to find some materials, so I get help with information, and also with proofreading, because I write fast, and pay no attention to mistakes. And such extra revision helps me a lot. So that's how I manage everything now.

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