
Textile Talks: Dignifying the Dead: Memorialization Through Fiber Art, presented by Surface Design Association

Presented by the Surface Design Association​: "For some, the universal themes of memory, trauma, and suffering inspire work that considers how we mourn and memorialize our dead. Through stitches, color, textures, and shapes, we give voice to and honor those whose lives were cut short. Join us for Dignifying the Dead: Memorialization through Fiber Art with Caren GarfenRobin Bernstein, and Mirka Knaster - three fiber artists who translate memory and loss into physical objects, giving voice to individuals for whom no physical memorial may exist.​" Register today and watch when this episode airs this Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 2 PM EDT.


This Textile Talk takes place, Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. Future installments are held online at 2 p.m. Eastern (11 a.m. Pacific) each Wednesday.


The video will be recorded and will be able to view later.


Click here, or the image below, to register for the Textile Talk.




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