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Textile Talks: Labeling and Documenting Anonymous Quilts, presented by Quilt Alliance

Centuries from now, when our quilts still exist and we'll be gone, we want future generations to know who made these quilts and why they were important to us. In this week's Textile Talk, the Quilt Alliance shines a light on "the conundrum of how to label and document quilts with no name or known provenance" with the Know-It-Alls group of quilt historians, Alden O’BrienLynne Bassett, and Julie Silber, along with moderator Meg Cox. Register today and watch when this episode airs this Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at 2 PM EDT.

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Quilt Alliance Looking For QuiltCon 2023 Volunteers

If you are attending QuiltCon and have a smidge of time available, would you consider the following request and if you’re not attending, pass it on to friends. Show off your labels and/or techniques in the Quilt Alliance’s Labeling Lounge at QuiltCon. Sign up for a 30-min time slot (all days are open) to show our booth visitors how you label your quilts.

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