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SewVeryEasy Tutorial: How to Block a Quilt Block

Getting your quilt blocks to line up with each other is one of the most important things in making a quilt look like a quilt. Sometimes those blocks don't always turn out right and need to be trimmed to fit their partners. But what do you do when you can't trim it? Well, you'll need to block that quilt block, and Laura Ann Coia at SewVeryEasy has a few different ways to show you how to do just that.


From Laura Ann Coia:


"Sometimes all we need is a little blocking to make our Quilt blocks square.:)"


Watch the video below and see how Laura blocks a quilt block.



Eleanor Dockweiler
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All of Laura Ann's suggestions for blocking a quilt block are great. Thanks so much for your ideas.

Janine Beckert
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These are all great suggestions!! I've never tried the freezer paper or ruler/clip methods, but certainly will...my middle name is "Wonkyblock", I think!

I made muslin covers for my ironing board, and do use permanent markers (Pigma Micron...

These are all great suggestions!! I've never tried the freezer paper or ruler/clip methods, but certainly will...my middle name is "Wonkyblock", I think!

I made muslin covers for my ironing board, and do use permanent markers (Pigma Micron works well) to draw whatever size block I'm making. I also draw a long line along the front edge of the board, which I mark in inches like a ruler. This lets me do quick rough measurements..for instance, to see if a piece of fabric I have is long enough for what I'm planning.

When my cover gets grubby or stiff from starch buildup, I just take it off and wash it. The markings last for several trips through the washing machine. I made two covers, so always have a clean one on hand.

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