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Quilters Take a Moment 2024: Documentation as Creative Practice with Hannah Parks

Quilters Take a Moment (QTM), the annual fundraiser for the Quilt Alliance is one week away. Taking place on on Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21, 2024, there will be six different workshops that you can take part in across the weekend. The fifth workshop featured by the Quilt Alliance is Documentation as Creative Practice with Hannah Parks.


From the Quilt Alliance:


"Turn quilt documentation into a creative expression! Hannah Parks @halfsquarehannah will show you how to infuse your quilt labels with personality and creativity. Learn how to make your final touches on a quilt just as special as the quilt itself. Join us for a workshop on creative labels, including fabric selvedge labels and other creative ideas!


Register for this workshop — and five others — at QTM2024.org. It’s just $30 to join the Quilt Alliance and QTM is FREE for members or $60 for non-members. What are you waiting for? Sign up now at QTM2024.org and stay tuned to see what else we have planned for this virtual educational event"


Click Here, or the images below, to learn more about Quilters Take a Moment and how to register.




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