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Quilters Take a Moment 2023 Starts Next Week

Quilters Take a Moment (QTM) 2023 begins next week and is the Quilt Alliance's 11th event in the QTM series. Delivered entirely online, join the Quilt Alliance and many excellent teachers and gain access to nine workshops presented in three topic groups on October 12, 19, and 26 from 12 noon to 4:30 pm ET. Find out how you can participate and get tickets to this quiltastic event happening very soon.

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: 
Amy Milne, Executive Director
919-604-6264 (mobile)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit QTM2023.org

Quilters Take a Moment 2023 Workshops start Oct. 12!

Presenting sponsor:
Platinum sponsor:

Gold sponsor:

Silver sponsors
Bronze sponsors:

2023 Event Focuses on Important Resources for Quilt Makers & Owners:

Writing, Labeling and Photography

ASHEVILLE, NC, October 6, 2025 The nonprofit Quilt Alliance announces presenters and sponsors for the 2023 edition of their virtual event, Quilters Take a Moment (QTM).


QTM 2023 marks the 11th event in the Alliance's QTM series and will be delivered entirely online again this year. An all-inclusive QTM pass gives you access to nine workshops presented in three topic groups on October 12, 19, and 26 from 12 noon to 4:30 pm ET. 

Most sessions have been recorded in advance and premiere on event days followed by a live Q&A with the presenters for that day. Workshop recordings will be shared with passholders within 24 hours and the archive will be available through the end of the year.

Longtime supporter of the Quilt Alliance, Moda Fabrics + Supplies, returns as Presenting Sponsor and underwriter for this year's event. Aurifil and the Modern Quilt Guild return as Platinum and Gold sponsors. Silver sponsors include Mistyfuse, Oliso, and Nine Patch Fabrics. Bronze sponsors are Cherrywood Fabrics, BERNINA, Mettler and Hobbs Batting. Door prizes have been donated by Riley Blake Designs and M&S Schmalberg.

Visit QTM2023.org

Left to right: Heidi Parkes, Laura Hopper, and Frances O'Roark Dowell.

Left to right: Laura Hartrich, Amira S. Ameruddin, and Amy Milne

Left to right: Meg Cox, Azuree Holloway, and Trevor Holloway

Quilt Alliance director Amy Milne says this year's workshop format is a new direction for the event.


This year we celebrate 30 years as an Alliance to document, preserve and share the stories of quilts and their makers. We wanted our annual virtual event to help set the tone for the next season of our work as an organization. QTM workshops this year will provide training and inspiration to help any quilt maker or owner preserve the history of their quilts. I hope you'll join us because your quilt story is too important to fade away!

Visit QTM2023.org

Thank you to our Moda Fabric + Supplies and all of our 2023 sponsors!

About the Quilt Alliance
The Quilt Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports and develops projects with institutional and grassroots partners to document, preserve, and shares the history of quilts and quiltmakers.
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