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Quilters Take a Moment 2022 - Informative and Exciting Panel Discussions

The Quilters Take a Moment 2022 fundraiser marks the 10th event in the Alliance's Quilters Take Manhattan series and will be held virtually September 13-18, 2022, featuring a 3-day Main Event with optional Add-On sessions like workshops and demonstrations. The event will be co-hosted this year by Meg Cox, Laura Hopper and Amy Milne. There are some of the very interesting panel discussions that will be taking place, including ones on Re-using Vintage and Antique QuiltsMaking Quilts with the Earth in Mind, and Sustaining a Creative Business.


Quilters Take a Moment 2022 will feature Informative and exciting panel discussions including:

Second Lives: Re-using Vintage and Antique Quilts
"Today’s artists and makers are giving old quilts new lives. We’ll talk about re-using quilts made by others and how we can honor and sustain these textiles."
Moderated by Meg Cox. Panelists: Sandra Chandler, Marjorie Childress, Coulter Fussell, Roderick Kiracofe and Kim Martucci.

Sustainable Stitching: Making Quilts with the Earth in Mind
"How can we lessen the impact of our quiltmaking on the environment? This panel will be a conversation about what sustainability can mean throughout the creative process."
Moderated by Zak Foster. Panelists: Eliu Hernandez, Natalya Khorover, Amanda Nadig, Bridget O’Flaherty, and Kim Soper.

Sustaining a Creative Business
"What does it take to sustain your business when it’s also your passion? Hear from creative businesspeople about how they support both their creativity and their career."
Moderated by Michele Muska. Panelists: Lisa Bongean, Morna McEver Golletz, Karla Overland, Andrea Tsang Jackson, and Latifah Saafir.


3-Day Pass tickets are $70 for members and $105 for non-members and scholarships are available for those with financial need. Workshops are $50 for members and $60 for non-members.


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more about Quilters Take a Moment and how to register.





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