
Quilters' Save Our Stories with Judy Mathieson

Master of the Mariner's Compass, and treasured guest of The Quilt Show, JudyMathieson is the interviewee for this week's Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program from the Quilt Alliance. In her talk, Judy discusses her quilt,Bristol Stars"her signature traditional quilt design, the "mariner's compass" design," and so much more. What's fun about the quilt featured in this interview is that it was featured in Judy's episode of The Quilt Show and talked about with Alex and Ricky.


What are Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews you ask? "Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories (QSOS) is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. The project creates, through recorded interviews, a broadly accessible body of information concerning quiltmaking, both present-day and in living memory. Our archive for the original audio recordings and photographs is the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. QSOS volunteers from across the country conduct and transcribe these interviews. We appreciate their generosity of time and dedication to the project!"


From Quilters' Save Our Stories and the Quilt Alliance:


"Rebecca Salinger interviews Judy Mathieson, an award-winning quilter and teacher, about her life and career in quilting. Mathieson discusses her signature traditional quilt design, the "mariner's compass" design. She talks about how she creates her quilts and what inspires her, particularly the textiles she works with and the other traditional designs she uses in her quilts. Mathieson also discusses the quilting industry, including her feelings on male quiltmakers, how quilting impacts the lives of women, and the expressive qualities of quilt making. As a licensed quilt judge, Mathieson talks about what she looks for when judging a quilt, as well as the qualities of a great quilter and quilt. Mathieson discusses her future in quilting with the interviewer, her plans for future quilts, and any advice she has for quilters."


Click Here, or the image of Judy's quilt below, to hear her story.


Learn more from Judy by watching her on The Quilt Show in How to Make a Mariner's Compass Quilt with Judy Mathieson.


Quilt Photo: Bristol Stars by Judy Mathieson (Photo Credit - Jack Mathieson from SAQA)




Quilt Photo: Bristol Stars by Judy Mathieson - Detail (Photo by Gregory Case)




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I took my first Class from Judy at Baron:s Sewing in the San Fernando Valley - many many year ago aand still treasure my wall hanging and all I learded -- THANK YOU - JUDY!!!

Paula Martin
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What can you say to perfection? I managed “WOW!”.

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