
Quilters' Save Our Stories with Joe Cunningham

This week's guest that we are sharing from the Quilters' Save Our Stories (QSOS) program from the Quilt Alliance is a special one. It's Joe Cunningham, who was the very first guest on The Quilt Show over fifteen years ago. In this interview, he shares his quilt, Tree Everlasting"which he made in 2001 as part of his musical exploring the life of Joe Hedley from England, who lived in the early 19th century." He also "describes his evolving philosophy of the intersections among quilts, art, and tradition."


What are Quilters' Save Our Stories interviews you ask? "Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories (QSOS) is a project of the non-profit Quilt Alliance. The project creates, through recorded interviews, a broadly accessible body of information concerning quiltmaking, both present-day and in living memory. Our archive for the original audio recordings and photographs is the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. QSOS volunteers from across the country conduct and transcribe these interviews. We appreciate their generosity of time and dedication to the project!"


From Quilters' Save Our Stories and the Quilt Alliance:


"Noted quiltmaker Joe Cunningham describes his evolving philosophy of the intersections among quilts, art, and tradition. He elaborates on how he began quilting in 1979, collaborating with Gwen Marston and learning from Mary Schafer. He discusses Amish quilts, a subject he has written about at length through his work with the Esprit Quilt Collection."


Click Here, or the image of Joe's quilt below, to hear his story.


Learn more from Joe by watching him on The Quilt Show in:


 - How to Baste a Quilt with Joe Cunningham | Thread Selection Bob Purcell


 - How to Work with Ombre Fabrics with Jennifer Sampou | Antique Quilt Inspiration with Julie Silber and Joe Cunningham


Quilt Photo: Tree Everlasting by Joe Cunningham (Photo from the Quilt Alliance)




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