Quilters For Ukraine - Quilt Demos To Support United Help Ukraine
Ten of the best teachers on the planet are joining Joe Cunningham for a lightning round of quilt demos to support United Help Ukraine. It will be a fun day like no other, with lots of great tricks, tips, and techniques. You don't want to miss this. Most of these 10-15 minute segments will be recorded and available if you can't make the class.
From Joe Cunningham:
"I make my living by promoting my own classes and events selling quilts and pretending like these things are REALLY important. This summer I was scheduled to have a show at a museum in Kyiv, which I have been talking up for a couple of years. Now, though, everything else seems a little pathetic compared to the war in Ukraine. For the first time I have friends who were living much like me, going to the mall, making art, having dinner parties, and who now post videos of their homes and cities being bombed out of existence. I am scared, furious, sad and dumbfounded. To feel like I was doing something, I have organized a benefit for a great organization called United Help Ukraine--see below--and we have already raised over $10,000. But it seems like such a small gesture. And still, our lives here have to go on, we have to be able to look away from the horrors of it all, just like our Ukrainian friends could do a couple months ago, and get on with our lives. So I will go ahead and try to promote my classes and etc, which, if they continue to be successful, will allow me to also continue making contributions to the people affected by this nightmare.
Ten of the best teachers on the planet have joined me for a lightning round of quilt demos to support United Help Ukraine--it will be a fun day like no other, with lots of great tricks, tips and techniques. You don't want to miss this. Most of these 10-15 minute segments will be recorded and available if you can't make the class."
Quilters for Ukraine takes place on Saturday April 23, 2022 from 9 AM - 12 PM PST.
Jack will
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Joanne Knapp
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Maureen Koski
Joanne Knapp
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Jennifer Grist
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Alex Anderson
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Denise Losczyk
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Barbara Haugen
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jill matyastik
Barbara Haugen
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Barbara Haugen
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Ruth Crump
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Carrie Ann Casto
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kathy iskow
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