The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Windspirit" by Carol Ann Sinnreich
Do a puzzle of Carol Ann Sinnreich's quilt, Windspirit.
Carol always wanted to make a quilt with wild mustangs because she feels they are iconic features of the West, and Windspirit became that quilt. The major figure of the piece, the white horse, is called a Medicine Hat horse. This is a unique breed that has a white mane, a white tail, and a dark spot on top of their heads. In addition to the central horses, Carol created a beautiful big sky as their backdrop as she is a big fan of skylines from living in the West. The quilt measures 72" x 51".
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Carol's quilts in How to Do Intersections in Applique | How to Dye Fabric | Paper Piecing without Paper.
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 35 Pieces Rotating
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 99 Pieces Rotating
WindspiritbyCarolAnnSinnreich - 300 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Gregory Case