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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Starring You" by Peter Byrne

Do a puzzle of Peter Byrne's quilt, Starring You.


Starring You is the first quilt that Peter made intentionally to go into a juried show. It took him about four months to make and there are about 250 hours of quilting stitches alone. It won Best In Show at QuiltCon 2020 and it was just an honor for Peter to be there.


Artist Statement: “Working within a modern aesthetic, I limited my colour palette to black and white to bring attention to the large graphic, yet striking minimalist design. I used 90 pieces of turned edge appliqué to create the explosive star burst as it provides the greatest freedom of composition. The expansive negative space is densely quilted with a variety of hand guided quilting motifs and to highlight and add definition, I used a heavy weight black thread.”


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Peter's quilts in Hover Quilting, City Landscapes, and Puzzle Quilts with Peter Byrne.


StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating

StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 35 Pieces Rotating

StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 99 Pieces Rotating

StarringYoubyPeterByrne - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis


Karen Scribner
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This was the quilt con in Austin again. As I live in Fort Worth, it was a real treat to be able to see this quilt in person!

Darci Bodin
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Wow!! Absolutely stunning. Such precision.

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