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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Sanctuary?" by Sue Sherman

Do a puzzle of Sue Sherman's quilt, Sanctuary?


Sanctuary? is Sue's imagination of a future in which there's no snow left on Antarctica and it's too warm for penguins to reproduce. So an artificial environment has had to be created for a penguin rookery. The environment itself is a geodesic dome in which the penguins live inside, powered by a coal-fired furnace that spews out smoke that generates electricity to power an air-conditioner that cools the penguins. Under the dome, there are about 100 different uniquely designed penguins each individually dye-painted with their own distinct details in the quilting. The quilt itself is primarily dye-painted, with some metallic labels on the equipment, and the rocks and smoke feature fabric-painted touch-ups.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Sue's quilts in How to Paint with Thickened Dyes and Use Thread Painting with Sue Sherman | The Potato Chip Block with Tracy Mooney.


Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 36 Pieces Rotating

Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 100 Pieces Rotating

Sanctuary?bySueSherman - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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Wow, what a great prize. I have a huge stash of Kaffe fabric I would love to quilt up on this beautiful machine. Someone will be very lucky.

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