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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Roaring 20's" by Judy Gauthier

Do a puzzle of Judy Gauthier's quilt, Roaring 20's.


Roaring 20's was designed by Judy for Studio E Fabrics using the Peppered Cottons line of fabrics by Pepper Cory. Pepper and Judy got together to talk about designing a quilt that used the new colors that Studio E was adding for the Peppered Cottons line. When they asked Judy her thoughts on a quilt, it was approaching the 2020s, which in the moment was not the most happy time. So she thought the quilt needed to be cheerful and make people really want to feel good about something. Roaring 20's is therefore named after the decade of the 1920s and reflects the prosperous times people were experiencing at the beginning of that decade.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Judy's quilts in Learn Simple Color Theory and How to Organize and Cut Your Scrap Quilts with Judy Gauthier.


Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 35 Pieces Rotating

Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 100 Pieces Rotating

Roaring20'sbyJudyGauthier - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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