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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "River Rocks" by Sandra Mollon

Do a puzzle of Sandra Mollon's quilt, River Rocks.


Derived from a photo by Ken Miracle with his permission, River Rocks was the project that Sandra worked on during lock down to spark her creativity. Afer completing the quilt and sharing it online, it was passed around on more than just quilting sites, it ended up on some geology websites too. With the realistic nature of the quilt being so lifelike, a geologist later contacted Sandra and told her that she could identify every rock in the quilt.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Sandra's quilts in Learn Dyeing and Appliqué Techniques for Landscape Quilts with Sandra Mollon.


RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 98 Pieces Non-Rotating

RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 36 Pieces Rotating

RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 98 Pieces Rotating

RiverRocksbySandraMollon - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis


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