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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Reflections" by Kathy McNeil

Do a puzzle of Kathy McNeil's quilt, Reflections.


Reflections hangs in Kathy's dining room and is the piece that she can just sit and look at in the quiet and feel serene. Kathy loves koi ponds, and Reflections is her third koi pond quilt. The quilt celebrates Kathy's favorite color, which she says is water, or, more specifically, all the colors represented in water. The title of the quilt is very appropriate, beyond the literally meaning of the reflections captured from the koi pond, as water also reflects all colors, tying back in to why it is her favorite. She says, "Light can dance, it can shimmer, it can transform. Trying to capture the most elusive element was the goal of this piece. Quilting gives me time to reflect on the big and small things in my life."


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Kathy's quilts in Using Crayons on Fabric and Quilt Collage with Kathy McNeil | Precision Piecing with Ann Harwell.


ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 96 Pieces Non-Rotating

ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 35 Pieces Rotating

ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 96 Pieces Rotating

ReflectionsbyKathyMcNeil - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Gregory Case


Darci Bodin
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Beautiful - just stunning

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