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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Pinwheel Party" by Cindy Lohbeck

Do a puzzle of Cindy Lohbeck's quilt, Pinwheel Party.


Pinwheel Party was the quilt that really started Cindy's business. Everybody wanted her to dye fabric for them after seeing this quilt and others like it, but she just wanted to quilt. She told people that they should go and dye the fabrics themselves to get the experience, but they all came back telling her, "It's such a mess," "I don't know when to add the chemicals," and so on. So Cindy thought that if she could just put everything she knew in a bucket and set it, it could really take off. So she did, and it did.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Cindy's quilts in Learn to Dye Ombre Fabric and Ice Dyeing with Cindy Lohbeck | Learn Ricky Tims’ Loco-Motion Techniques.


PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating

PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 35 Pieces Rotating

PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 99 Pieces Rotating

PinwheelPartybyCindyLohbeck - 300 Pieces Rotating






Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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Darci Bodin
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Always love what you can do with HST or pinwheels. Lovely layout.

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