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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Penguin Playground" by Sue Sherman

Do a puzzle of Sue Sherman's quilt, Penguin Playground.


When Sue sees Penguin Playground she just thinks of play. To her, penguins jumping around on an iceberg is one of the most playful things she's ever seen. This quilt was the first time that Sue made a really big quilt with animals. It is comprised of lots of different animals that she photographed at different times in different places and placed together on one iceberg, trying to capture all of their expressions. Some of the photos used were of actual groupings of penguins that were together so you can see them interacting with one another.


Artist Statement"This is a compilation of many pictures taken by the artist in Antarctica. The scene is typical where gentoo and chinstrap penguins are taking a rest from diving for fish and krill. Both species are abundant in 2021, but remain vulnerable to climate change impacts."


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Sue's quilts in How to Paint with Thickened Dyes and Use Thread Painting with Sue Sherman | The Potato Chip Block with Tracy Mooney.


PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 96 Pieces Non-Rotating

PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 299 Pieces Non-Rotating

PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 35 Pieces Rotating

PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 96 Pieces Rotating

PenguinPlaygroundbySueSherman - 299 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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