The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Ova Nova" by Louisa Smith
Do a puzzle of Louisa Smith's quilt, Ova Nova.
Ova Nova features ovals, instead of the more common circles that Louisa likes to use in her quilts, as a way to see how one of her quilts would turn out utilizing this shape. Not only acting as a "What If?" type of design for Louisa, it also doubles as a color study that pulls different values from all across the color wheel. She says it was great fun to make.
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Louisa's quilts in How to Make a Tessellating Quilt with Louisa Smith | Learn Basting Techniques with Ricky Tims.
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 36 Pieces Rotating
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 100 Pieces Rotating
OvaNovabyLouisaSmith - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Gregory Case