The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Midnight at the Celtic Garden" by Mary Olson and Garry Olson
Do a puzzle of Mary Olson and Garry Olson's quilt, Midnight at the Celtic Garden.
After free hand drawing the initial concept for their quilt, Midnight at the Celtic Garden, Garry Olson went to his wife Mary with the hopes to begin making it. Once she saw what he had drawn, she told him that he was nuts and there was no way that was going to be their next quilt. She had no idea how she would quilt the points of the Celtic design and didn't know how to proceed. Garry told her that if they removed the points they would lose the whole purpose of his design. After taking the time to think it through, Mary decided that he was right and figured out how to incorporate them into the quilting.
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Mary and Garry's quilts in Learn Jacobean Design and Trapunto with Mary and Garry Olson | 4-Patch Block from Me and My Sister Designs.
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 36 Pieces Rotating
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 100 Pieces Rotating
MidnightAtTheCelticGardenbyMaryandGarryOlson - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Gregory Case