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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Keys to Paradise" by Michele Sanandajian

Do a puzzle of Michele Sanandajian's quilt, Keys to Paradise.


Keys to Paradise was created for a show where the concept of the quilt had to be something about Florida. So Michele mapped out the Florida Keys onto sketch paper and went to work. The Keys themselves are collaged pieces of fabric built up on batting, with each one taking about eight to ten hours to build up. The background was also hand painted blue. As to the "Keys" of the title, it has two distinct meanings, with one referring to the islands in Florida, and the other the literal keys dangling off the bottom of the quilt.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Michele's quilts in How to Make a Fusible Collage Quilt with Michele Sanandajian | Unusual Binding with Laura Wasilowski.


KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 36 Pieces Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 100 Pieces Rotating

KeystoParadisebyMicheleSanandajian - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis


Darci Bodin
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Stunning - great job!

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