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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Hillside Houses" by Daphne Greig and Susan Purney Mark

Do a puzzle of Daphne Greig and Susan Purney Mark's quilt, Hillside Houses.


Daphne and Susan created Hillside Houses by piecing the background into blocks, sewing the blocks together, and then laying a stained glass grid over the top of it to create the beautiful stained glass window look they were striving for. A little more background from Daphne, she says of the quilt: "Bright houses perched on a hillside are the inspiration for this quilt. You will see these along the coastlines of Italy and Greece and even in Newfoundland. The piece was designed for my book, co-written with Susan Purney Mark, Simple Stained Glass Quilts, Krause Publications, 2008. Our unique "whole cloth" technique makes construction of stained glass quilts easy and less labor-intensive than other methods."


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Daphne and Susan's quilts in How to Do Fusible Applique with Fat Quarters | How to Piece a Circle into a Quilt Block.


HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating

HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 35 Pieces Rotating

HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 99 Pieces Rotating

HillsideHousesbyDaphneGreigandSusanPurneyMark - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Gregory Case


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