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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Georgia on my Mind" by Mary Kerr

Do a puzzle of Mary Kerr's quilt, Georgia on my Mind.


Georgia on my Mind is a quilt that is very special to Mary. She says, "This quilt was created using a vintage money bag from C&S bank of Athens, Georgia. The bag was found in the home of my in-laws, Tom (1927-2020) and Mary Elizabeth (1930-2005) Kerr. I surrounded the bag with star blocks circa 1900. The outer border are blocks I was working with when I learned of the passing of a dear friend and fellow Athenian, Cardee Kilpatrick (1934-2020). The back is a feedsack from Tugaloo State park. My sisters and I learned to waterski on this lake as children in the 1970's. Precious memories in a special quilt." The quilt was machine quilted by Cheryl Morgan.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Mary's quilts in Learn the Art of Make Do Quilting (Cracklin Mats) and the Elements of Southern Quilts with Mary Kerr.


GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 36 Pieces Rotating

GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 100 Pieces Rotating

GeorgiaOnMyMindbyMaryKerr - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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