The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Faded Denim Jacket" by Cindy Wiens
Do a puzzle of Cindy Wiens' quilt, Faded Denim Jacket.
Since her father was a minister, Cindy spent much of her time listening to sermons in church. During a sermon being delivered by the pastor of her current church, Cindy happened to look up at the acoustical tiles on the ceiling of the building. Noticing that they were square-shaped and had three different values, a light, medium, and a dark, Cindy took a picture of it to use as inspiration for her quilt Faded Denim Jacket. Using that photo, she sketched the design of the quilt onto a church bulletin she had near her to flesh out the whole concept. It was quilted by Darby Myers.
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Cindy's quilts in How to Turn a Photo Into a Quilt Design and Working with Solids with Cindy Wiens | Fringed Edge Finish with Ricky Tims.
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 36 Pieces Rotating
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 100 Pieces Rotating
FadedDenimJacketbyCindyWiens - 289 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis