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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Downtown" by Kathryn Pellman

Do a puzzle of Kathryn Pellman's quilt, Downtown.


Wanting to make something fun, freeform, and playful that leaned into her love of houses, Kathryn created Downtown as a way to celebrate her well-known fashionista designs. Each little shop has a different story that plays into the idea of what you would need downtown. There's a produce shop, a wedding chapel, a coffee and chocolate shop, a pet store, and an art gallery. The fashionistas that reside at every shop weren't made to portray specific people, but were intuitively created by Kathryn, whose mother says that each character represents a part of her.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Kathryn's quilts in How to Make Fabric Fashionistas and Word Salad with Kathryn Pellman | Poppy Quilts with Nancy Bavor.


DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating

DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating

DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating

DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 35 Pieces Rotating

DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 99 Pieces Rotating

DowntownbyKathrynPellman - 300 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


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