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The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Color Play" by Victoria Findlay Wolfe

Do a puzzle of Victoria Findlay Wolfe's quilt, Color Play.


Creating Color Play was a bit of a challenge for Victoria, as it was her trying to use all solids. But, there actually is not all solids in there and you'll have to look closely to see where she dropped in the non-solid fabrics. Making the quilt was just her playing around, working with the color palette and focusing on light and dark contrasts to see what she could do with them. It is a double wedding ring quilt, however Victoria did not piece the small melons you would find in a traditional double wedding ring.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Victoria's quilts in How to Make a Double Wedding Ring Quilt with Victoria Findlay Wolfe.


ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 36 Pieces Rotating

ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 100 Pieces Rotating

ColorPlaybyVictoriaFindlayWolfe - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Mary Kay Davis


Angela6 Angela6
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Darci Bodin
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Lovely with great quilting. Great job!

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