
The Quilt Show Puzzle: "Bridle Path" by Lynn Wilder

Do a puzzle of Lynn Wilder's quilt, Bridle Path.


About Bridle Path"The fabric collection and quilt are Lynn Wilder's tribute to brave women of the 1930s American Depression era. These women were hired through the newly-formed Work Progress Administration (WPA) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt; with the purpose of putting Americans to work during and following the Depression.


Eleanor Roosevelt sought to create jobs specifically for women, beginning with the Packhorse Librarian Program, the first traveling 'bookmobile' were paid $28 per month to transport books deep into the hollers and mountains of Kentucky by horseback and mules.


These brave women (along with a few men) put their lives at risk as they carried books into inaccessible and remote places on a daily basis.They brought literacy to the mountains through terrible storms, rising creeks and rivers, and wild animals, and the fact that some were resistant to the written word. These were the obstacles the Packhorse Librarians faced.


The fabric line is called HEARTHSTONE, named for the flat stone forming the hearth, in the small cabins in the woods. The BOM quilt is called Bridle Path, fearless women sometimes had to carve out their own paths through the wilderness, sometimes following  game trails barely visible to the naked eye.


"The women were fearless, 'plucky', and determined to improve the lives of their own families, in addition to improving the lives of the impoverished and illiterate. Their courage is admirable and their stories need to be told," says Lynn."


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Lynn's quilts in Block of the Month Quilt 2025 Laurel Ridge by Lynn Wilder.


BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 36 Pieces Rotating

BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 100 Pieces Rotating

BridlePathbyLynnWilder - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Lucas Davis


Darci Bodin
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Stunning. Beautifully done.

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