The Quilt Show Puzzle: "A Cup of Cubist Coffee and a Chocolate-Chip Cookie" by Ann Feitelson
Do a puzzle of Ann Feitelson's quilt, A Cup of Cubist Coffee and a Chocolate-Chip Cookie.
Ann says of A Cup of Cubist Coffee and a Chocolate-Chip Cookie, "I adopted aspects of cubism in the playful variety of shapes atop the cups. Some are circular, as if the cup is seen from above; some are elliptical; some are seen dead-on. The half-ellipses and half-circles represent coffee, or the interior of the cup, or a reflection or a shadow. The polka-dotted circles represent cookies. Color is of utmost importance to me. The cups, cookies, coffee and backgrounds make stair-steps of flowing color."
Click Here to see the Full Quilt.
See more of Ann's quilts in Half Circles, Stripes, and Gradation Color Sequences with Ann Feitelson | Quilt Backs with Alex Anderson.
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 35 Pieces Non-Rotating
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 99 Pieces Non-Rotating
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 300 Pieces Non-Rotating
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 35 Pieces Rotating
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 99 Pieces Rotating
ACupOfCubistCoffeeAndAChocolate-ChipCookiebyAnnFeitelson - 300 Pieces Rotating
Original Photo: Lucas Davis