
The Quilt Show Puzzle: "365 Free Motion Quilting Designs" by Leah Day

Do a puzzle of Leah Day's quilt, 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs.


Leah's 365 Free Motion Quilting Designs quilt is the culmination of her Free Motion Quilting Project. The Free Motion Quilting Project was Leah stitching a free motion quilted design in a four inch square every day for a year and creating an accompanying video for each one. She never planned to make this quilt, which contains the first 365 designs from the project. Once the initial project was completed everyone asked Leah when she would put the designs together into a quilt, but she told them that that wasn't going to happen as it was too much work. Once the designs were finished and just sitting around in a bin for awhile though, Leah relented and set about turning them into a quilt. Wanting all the designs to look consistent, she went about restitching about 150 of them. So even though it was a lot more work to make the quilt, Leah was happy she completed it.


Click Here to see the Full Quilt.


See more of Leah's quilts in Learn Machine Quilting Designs with Leah Day | How to Do Hand Embroidery with Laura Gaskin.


365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 36 Pieces Rotating

365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 100 Pieces Rotating

365FreeMotionQuiltingDesignsbyLeahDay - 289 Pieces Rotating




Original Photo: Gregory Case


Pegi Cromartie
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I remember when Leah did that! She was an inspiration for me to keep trying.

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