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Super Sunday Quiz - By the Numbers

We have questions on football, technology, and quilting. How good are you at the numbers? After you take the quiz, you will get a Certificate of Completion with your score. Scroll down below that to see each question and the correct answer.

Eleanor McDonough
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This was fun! I did not get most of the answers correct but it brought back some memories!

Deb Johnson
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Well, I am simply an idiot! Only 1 correct??? he he It was fun though! Hugs, Deb

Margaret Blank
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Not bad for Canadian who never watches American Football!

Karen Knorr
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60% - Every answer was a guess!

Sally Williams
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That was totally fun!

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Only 30 percent for me. You could give these questions to the Jeopardy people. I enjoyed doing it and learning a few more things.

Mary Marino
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What are the correct answers???

John Anderson    Mary Marino
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Just scroll down after you see your certificate.

Alex Anderson
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After you finish the last question you get a certificate (I got 70 percent) and the answers

Jayne Bull
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Not being a statistics type person, I bombed the quiz, but it would be nice to know the correct answers.

John Anderson    Jayne Bull
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You have to scroll down below the Certificate to see the correct answers. They are so long that the blog had to make you scroll to see everything. Sorry for any confusion.

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I have been de-cluttering my mind fairly successfully, I think.

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