
Okan Arts: Amy Katoh - As Irresistible as Her Textile Collection

Join Patricia Belyea of Okan Arts and her tour group as they visit the home of Amy Katoh​ in Tokyo, Japan. See Amy's collection of beautiful textiles, and revel in the wonderful and intimate experience of a trunk show from the other side of the world.


From Patricia Belyea at Okan Arts:


"It's rare to be invited into a home in Japan. So visiting Amy Katoh with our tour group was an extraordinary experience. Amy, a longtime champion of Japanese arts and crafts, owned Blue & White for over 40 years. As Amy revealed piece after piece, it became clear why she treasures these folk textiles."


Click Here, or the image below, to learn more.




Claire Castle
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Wonderful collection of fabrics and great links at end of article. Thank you

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