Featured Quilt - Made With Many, Many Tiny Pieces
Daisy Dodge designed her quilt, Barnum & Bailey, to look like it was pulled straight out of the past, a forgotten classic, a bygone era. Featured at the 2023 Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England as part of the Art Quilts category, she says, "I created this quilt as a nod to antique pieced masterpieces of the past. Although an original design of my own, I wanted to assemble thousands of little pieces of fabric, which then reminded me of a circus of color, hence the name."
Sarah Vedeler Demos Appliqué Flowers with Machine Embroidery
Alex LIVE: Mystery Tie Quilt - Class 5
Paper Piecing with Silk
Working with silk is never easy. Alex shows you how paper piecing is one method you can use to tame the fabric. As a bonus, she shows you how to draft a paper piecing pattern. Join Alex for Class 5 of her Mystery Tie Quilt.
Alex is LIVE TODAY, October 4, 2023 @ 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London time. All classes are recorded so they can be viewed later.
October Is Here - It's Time to Get Your Halloween on with our Lights Out fabrics from Robert Kaufman
Frightful and Fun Fabrics
These spooky fabrics are a real treat, but they also hide a trick - when you turn the lights out they glow! Available in multiple styles with ghosts, cats, skeletons, and more, whatever you make with them will be the "haunt" of the town.
Jinny Beyer's Memory Match Game
It's time to play Jinny Beyer's Memory Match.
Do you know them all? Are there some blocks you've never seen before? Play the game and get inspired.
The Quilt Show Puzzle: How Does Your Garden Grow?
"Gail's Garden" by Sharon Pederson
One day Sharon's daughter Gail, who is also a quilter, came to visit her while she was working on a stained glass flower block and asked her if she would teach her how to make it. Sharon happily obliged and Gail went home and made two more stained glass flower blocks. Those blocks, along with Sharon's purple flower block, became Gail's Garden, named of course after Sharon's daughter. Gail did the stitching on her two flowers and when Sharon asked if she could make the quilt a part of her book, Machine Appliqué for the Terrified Quilter, she agreed but only on the the condition that Sharon finish the quilt.
See more of Sharon's quilts in Quilt Design with Sharon Pederson | Quilt Studio Visit Robbi Joy Eklow.