
Meg Cox's Go Tell It! Video

Have you recorded your video for the Go Tell It! series for the Quilt Alliance yet? The Quilt Show fan and guest of the show Meg Cox has, and after watching hers you'll see just how easy it is!


The Quilt Show is teaming up with the Quilt Alliance and the International Quilt Museum to collect and share stories about memorial quilts. If you have made a memorial quilt or received one in honor of someone in your life, we would love to hear your story.


The Quilt Alliance has a project called Go Tell It! that is all about preserving quilt stories, and anyone can submit their story. Just record a video that is 3 minutes or less in length via a smart phone or tablet about your memorial quilt and upload it to the Quilt Alliance website. Visit this page for step by step guidelines, from recording tips to uploading your video.


The Quilt Show will select a number of videos to share via the newsletter in August and September. The Quilt Alliance will also share all videos submitted on the Quilt Alliance’s YouTube channel.


Now watch Meg and see how it's done below. Learn from Meg right here at the The Quilt Show in Challenge Quilt Designs with Meg Cox, Alex Anderson, and Ricky Tims.



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