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Nebraska Stories | The Quilts of Ken Burns

Celebrated documentary filmmaker Ken Burns is a lover of quilts, and a few years ago he decided to display his collection for the first time publicly at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum in Nebraska. Learn why he chose to share his quilts, why he chose Nebraska, and catch a glimpse of some of the quilts themselves.


Some of Ken's quilts traveled around the country the last couple of years as part of the exhibit, Uncovered: The Ken Burns Collection. The exhibition featured 26 hand-sewn historic quilts from Burns’ personal collection.


Click Here to learn more about the exhibit from when it was on display at the International Quilt Museum.


Watch the video below to get insight into Ken's quilt collection from the man himself.



Connie Rios
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Ken Burns’ films and documentaries have always fascinated me and I’ve seen ALL of them (my favorite: The Address ….about Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech). But this….wow! What absolutely beautiful quilts and what a beautiful man! I have to say...

Ken Burns’ films and documentaries have always fascinated me and I’ve seen ALL of them (my favorite: The Address ….about Abraham Lincoln’s famous speech). But this….wow! What absolutely beautiful quilts and what a beautiful man! I have to say that I did kind of cringe every time he touched, stroked, and caressed his quilts. But hey..they’re HIS quilts..lol.

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Pat Meinecke
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Are these quilts on exhibit now and if so for how much longer?

Candace Delgardo
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What a moving story. I enjoyed seeing the amazing historical quilts and seeing Ken Burn’s enthusiasm for the beauty and history of the quilts. Thank you for sharing this story.

Pat Durbin
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thank you...I loved seeing the quilts, and hearing the story of Ken Burns' collection.

Debra Huewe
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Wonderful the love of country and how quilts can represent the heart of the people.

Alisa Davis
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A unique perspective and love of quilts. Great seeing the process behind the scenes.

Debbie Tyber
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Amazing! Who knew?

Leni Wiener
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Three take-aways from this very interesting video:

what a fabulous collection of quilts Ken Burns has!
how fascinating it is to see the exhibition come together behind the scenes at the IQSC
Burns talks about the quilts often having no...

Three take-aways from this very interesting video:

what a fabulous collection of quilts Ken Burns has!
how fascinating it is to see the exhibition come together behind the scenes at the IQSC
Burns talks about the quilts often having no provenance, so that underscores the importance of labeling your work!!!

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Sandy Fine
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A great story about America's Story Teller. I loved his documentary on the History of Country Music and History of America's National Parks. And to learn he was a quilt collector was just icing on the cake.

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