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Go Tell It! Interview with The Quilt Show Editor-in-Chief Lilo Bowman

Lilo Bowman, Editor-in-Chief and Production Manager for The Quilt Show, has made a Go Tell It video for the Quilt Alliance to preserve the story of her quilt, Looking at the Stars and Thinking of You, which she made in honor of her sons when they lived and worked overseas. It is a perfect story for this holiday season, especially when we can't be with the ones we love.


From the Quilt Alliance:


"Are you missing someone this holiday season? Lilo Bowman recorded this Go Tell It! video about a quilt she made in honor of her sons when they lived and worked overseas. Lilo is Editor-in-Chief and Production Manager for The Quilt Show.com with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims and we are so grateful for all the ways she and Alex and Ricky support our mission and programming."


Want to see another Go Tell It! Video? Click Here to watch Alex's Go Tell It! video about her father's quilt.


Or Click Here and watch fellow TQS Member Dale McMillan share her story.


Click Here to read more about this project, and about recording your own quilt story at the Quilt Alliance website.



Jackie Anderson
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This is just a wonderful quilt to honor your sons. My son was also overseas in Afghanistan and I know exactly how you felt at the time. I honored him a different way by waiting to get a promised tattoo with him (a Christmas gift before he...

This is just a wonderful quilt to honor your sons. My son was also overseas in Afghanistan and I know exactly how you felt at the time. I honored him a different way by waiting to get a promised tattoo with him (a Christmas gift before he left the States) when he got back to insure that he would indeed return. It was the longest wait of my life. Thank you so sharing your quilt and your story. I miss seeing you in Denver at tapings!!

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judy koerner
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Oh, sweetheart, I am so moved. Not only because of your quilt story, but the heart and soul you put into the making of it. I can visualize every tear from your eyes and every beat of your heart while your boys were away. Always appreciate all...

Oh, sweetheart, I am so moved. Not only because of your quilt story, but the heart and soul you put into the making of it. I can visualize every tear from your eyes and every beat of your heart while your boys were away. Always appreciate all you do and how well you represent the quilting community. Much love, Judy Koerner in Virginia.

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