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Sacred Threads Quilt StoryShare

On June 18, 2021 the Sacred Threads Exhibition is gathering virtually for a very special event. They have partnered with the Quilt Alliance to bring you some very special stories of joy, inspiration, spirituality, healing, grief and peace/brotherhood through quiltmaking in their Sacred Threads Quilt StoryShare.


From Sacred Threads and the Quilt Alliance:


"On June 18th at 2:00 pm EDT, we are gathering virtually for a very special Sacred Threads event. We have partnered with the Quilt Alliance to bring you some very special stories of joy, inspiration, spirituality, healing, grief and peace/brotherhood through our quiltmaking.


This will be a wonderful community screening of recorded quilt stories, and an interview with Sacred Threads curator Barb Hollinger by Luana Rubin of eQuilter.com.


Tickets are available for $10 for Quilt Alliance members, $15 for non-members."


Click Here, or the photo below, to learn more and get your tickets.


sacred threads quilt storyshare


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