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"Bisa Butler: Portraits" - Exhibition Stories

Now that you know that the exhibit has been extended to September 2021, listen to Bisa Butler talk about the inspirations behind some of her work as she tours her own exhibit, Bisa Butler: Portraits, at the Art Institute of Chicago.


Bisa Butler: Portraits, "the first solo museum exhibition of the artist’s work" which will feature over twenty of her portraits.


Click Here to learn more about the exhibit.


And remember, later in the year Bisa is going to be the spotlight interviewee for Quilter's Take A Moment, where she will be interviewed for the Quilter's Save Our Stories (QSOS) project by Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi.


Click Here to learn more about Quilter's Take A Moment and Bisa's involvement.



Linda Maggio
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INSPIRING art with purpose. I was touched by Lisa and her fabulous quilt stories. I would love to see her work in person. Thank you.

rose pryor
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What extraordinary work! And not just one piece, but many. I love how she brings these people back to life through fabric and color. WOW!
Thanks for sharing. RP

Cyndi Capuano
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Wow! What an incredible piece of art. Not only is it gorgeous in its own beauty, but the use of color…from the fabric choices and incredible use of thread shows the talent involved. For me, this piece feels like I raided their family photo...

Wow! What an incredible piece of art. Not only is it gorgeous in its own beauty, but the use of color…from the fabric choices and incredible use of thread shows the talent involved. For me, this piece feels like I raided their family photo albums and pulled my favorite from the group. It captures real people and I think that is absolutely genius in this genre.

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Sharman Wurst
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Incredible work! Bisa Butler's images are so full of life and emotion. Thank you for sharing this video.

Pamela Newsome
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Thank you for sharing Bisa Butler's absolutely amazing art, it is so moving and unique.

Debra Huewe
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So beautiful and thought provoking. I loved seeing her work!

Lori Harris
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WOW! Incredible. The art promotes emotions, it's very powerful. My non-quilting DILs sister was in Chicago and saw it last week, she sent it to me because she was blown away. She thought quilts were the ones I make for my grands, had no idea...

WOW! Incredible. The art promotes emotions, it's very powerful. My non-quilting DILs sister was in Chicago and saw it last week, she sent it to me because she was blown away. She thought quilts were the ones I make for my grands, had no idea of the artistic styles of quilts and how powerful they can be.

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Sharon DeLong
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Incredible work. You never get tired of just looking at the beauty and complexity. Thank you for her commentary on the meaning and origins of her work.

Diane Metts
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Very inspiring and absolutely beautiful. Thank you

Ruthie Hoover
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Beautiful and moving. Thank you.

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