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Lisa Ellis Book Giveaway Winners

The winners have been chosen for our contest to win a signed copy of Charming Cathedral Window Quilts by Lisa Ellis. Three people from Facebook and three from Instagram were picked to receive a copy of this wonderful book from Lisa. Find out if you were a winner!


The winners have been notified by private message through Facebook and Instagram to let them know they have won.


And if you didn't win, don't worry, you can still learn plenty from Lisa in our brand new show with her, How To Make Cathedral Windows By Machine And Thread Paint with Lisa Ellis | Making A Contemporary Chinese Coins Quilt.


The winners from Facebook are:


Marcia Z.


Patricia S.


Rose L.


And the winners from Instagram are:


Nancy D.


nancy instagram profile picture


Shannon H.


shannon instagram profile picture




sewn together instagram profile picture


Jesica Rose
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site

I'm certainly not a fan of this. But for my girlfriend it will be a great gift. I'm more into gun control, use https://phdessay.com/free-essays-on/gun-control/ for that. I'm excited to find out if I was one of the winners who will receive a...

I'm certainly not a fan of this. But for my girlfriend it will be a great gift. I'm more into gun control, use https://phdessay.com/free-essays-on/gun-control/ for that. I'm excited to find out if I was one of the winners who will receive a signed copy of "Charming Cathedral Window Quilts" from Lisa Ellis. Participation in competitions always brings excitement and hope for good luck. I hope that my contribution to the competition was noticed and appreciated. I will look forward to more information about the winners and hope that I will be lucky. In any case, congratulations to those who were selected and thank you for the opportunity to take part in such an interesting competition. It is worth noting that I have participated in competitions a lot in my life. But he only won once. I want to change some statistics.

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