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Diana Cherrywood Challenge Winners

The winners of the 2020 Cherrywood Challenge, whose theme was Princess Diana, have been announced. Who was a cut above, rose to the challenge, and was crowned first place? Take a look for yourself.


The top five winners of the Challenge were:


1) Diana Princess of Wales by Alexis Delbridge

2) Snapshots of Diana, the People's Princess by Jerri Penney

3) Essence of Diana by Susan Crane

4) We Miss You by Amberlee Berry

5) In and Out of the Shadow by Teresa Stoller


See the top five winners below the description of the challenge. (All Photos courtest of Cherrywood Fabrics)


The goal of the challenge, as described by Cherrywood Fabrics, was:


"Our challenge is to take inspiration from Diana, Princess of Wales, to create your own unique quilt using a limited color palette: pink and white. We encouraged you to push yourself creatively, think outside the box and create new fiber art. The contest is open to anyone and everyone."


Click Here to see all the Winners, including Staff and Judge's Choices, at the Cherrywood site.


First Place: Diana Princess of Wales by Alexis Delbridge


diana cherrywood challenge first place


Second Place: Snapshots of Diana, the People's Princess by Jerri Penney


diana cherrywood challenge second place


Third Place: Essence of Diana by Susan Crane


diana cherrywood challenge third place


Fourth Place: We Miss You by Amberlee Berry


diana cherrywood challenge fourth place


Fifth Place: In and Out of the Shadow by Teresa Stoller


diana cherrywood challenge fifth place


Anne Brennan
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Sherri, I was under the impression that this contest was international. There's no place for "our own country" in an international forum.

joan aguilar
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We need morel Dianas in this world. Her compassion and her warmth for the sick and wounded should be celebrated


Lisa Ellis
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As one of the judges, it was an honor and a privilege to help choose the finalists and the prize winners. I continue to be so impressed with what quilt artists are able to do with an idea, a size, and a constrained color palette.

Peggy Schroder
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Wow, Congratulations! All are so beautiful in their own way!!! Wonderful work ladies.

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Sherri - your comments are unnecessary. It's just a quilt challenge theme and those who were interested participated. Don't spoil others enjoyment just because your opinion is different. Kudos to the winners, the quilts are well executed and...

Sherri - your comments are unnecessary. It's just a quilt challenge theme and those who were interested participated. Don't spoil others enjoyment just because your opinion is different. Kudos to the winners, the quilts are well executed and images are perfect - keeping with the theme. Well done!

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sherri Eley
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I don't understand why we are so wrapped up in the Royals. Didn't we start our own country to escape that system?

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