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Barbara Black on How to Post Photos in the Forum

Forum Wrangler Barbara Black has step-by-step instructions to help walk you through the process of loading your photos up on the Forum.


From Barbara Black:


Here are the steps for Uploading a Photo to the Forum:

1. Decide where you want to post--there may be a Topic already set up, like Tall Buildings -- Show Your Progress Here (2021 BOM)

2. Post Reply if you are replying to a Topic already set up

3. Create New Topic in a Category that doesn't have one set up that matches what you want to show.

4. Select the camera icon

5. Select Upload to find a photo on your device

6. If it is too large you will get a notice that is the case

7. I use a laptop or desktop usually, with Windows 10. Find that same photo on your computer, double click to open it

8. Right click on it and select Resize

9. I found the M--best for email/messages worked well. Save it and remember where you put it

10. Upload the resized photo to see if that works

11. Sometimes the photo shows upside down but when I clicked on it to open in the Gallery, it was right side up.

There are improvements being made weekly/daily to the Forum so be aware these may change.


Click Here to watch Barbara's LIVE video from July 28, 2021, where she gives even more valuable information on how to make your Forum experience more enjoyable.


barbara black uploading photo to forum 1 barbara black uploading photo to forum 2

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