
In Memoriam - Ruth B. McDowell

The Quilt Show is sad to report the passing of Quilters Hall of Fame member Ruth B. McDowell. Ruth passed on June 23rd, 2024 following a brief illness. Ruth was "a pioneer and visionary in the contemporary art quilt movement and lifelong appreciator of the natural world." Her loss is deeply felt throughout the quilting community and The Quilt Show sends its condolences to the McDowell family.


Here is a statement on Ruth's passing from her family:


"This is Ruth’s daughters Emily and Leah. We are saddened to share with you all that Ruth passed away last week after a brief illness.


This spring, we began working on a new site that showcased her remaining quilts available for acquisition, as well as an online retrospective of her 50-plus year career as a pioneer and visionary in the contemporary art quilt movement. That site is now live at ruthbmcdowell.com.


Ruth very much wanted her vast collection of printed commercial quilt fabrics to be distributed to other quilters and artists who would use them in their own work. If you live in the continental US, you may request a box to be sent to you, free of charge, at ruthbmcdowell.com.


We are so grateful to all of Ruth’s fans, students, champions, and collectors for your support over the last fifty years. Ruth’s public memorial will take place in late October in the Boston area, and we’ll share more details as it gets closer."


Click Here to read Ruth's obituary.


Click Here to learn Ruth's life and career from her entry into The Quilters Hall of Fame.


Click Here, or the image below, to visit Ruth's website and learn about her quilts.




Kathryn Steigleder
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When Ruth taught at Empty Spools Seminar years ago, I spoke with her at an open house. She was a brilliant, generous person who influenced my quilting. I still have all her books. May she rest in peace.

Elsie Montgomery
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Ruth's book "Art & Inspirations" was my first quilt book. She got me started and 300+ quilts later, has had a great influence. She will be missed. Prayers for her family and those close who grieve this loss.

Nancy Durch
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A most generous teacher. I was blessed to be able to take two classes with her at the Cotton Patch. She brought many of her quilts with her to see in person.

donna baker
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Wonderful Lady. Beautiful quilts! Loved following her to see what she has made. She will be greatly missed. God Bless the family.

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