
Four Quilt Designers’ Sewing Studios

Go behind the scenes and tour the studios of some of the quilting world's best quilters. See where Jean WellsTonye Belinda PhillipsValori Wells, and Betsy Rickles make their stunning quilts and get some insight into creative process as well!


Click Here, or the photo below, to see the studios.


Learn from Jean, Tonye, and Valori by watching them here at The Quilt Show:


2019 Quilt Legend Jean Wells

How to Make a Portrait Quilt with Lyric Kinard | Quilt Studio Tour with Tonye Belinda Phillips

How to Make Fabric Gifts with Valori Wells | How to Do Mock Bobbin Trapunto with Ricky Tims


jean wells studio


(Photo from allpeoplequilt.com)


Dianne Holcombe
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Where do you see ads, Nancy Howell? I loved the photos of the studios and the information in the side bars.

Nancy Howell
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Very disappointing. Too many Ads. Would liked to have seen more comments from the quilters themselves. Sad.

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