
Alex Anderson LIVE: Birdhouse Quilt - Raw Edge Blanket Stitch

Watch Alex show you how she does the Raw Edge Blanket Stitch by machine and by hand. It's time to finally stitch down those flowers and birds.


Join Alex LIVE on Monday March 8, 2021 @ 10am PST, 1pm EST, and 6pm London time. All classes are recorded so they can be viewed later.




patricia olliver
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i love this quilt but i can't ind the pattern under projects. how do i get it.

Joan Huffman
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It is finished and hanging. It was fun to do and see all the others as they were working on them. [*]

Donna Shervington
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I have a BERNINA 480 and was able to change the balance on the blanket stitch as Shelley Tobiscnh talked about. It works really nicely and looks really good. Thank you for the great lesson.

Beckie Hanttula
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What stitch width/length did you use for the blanket stitch?

Jo-Anne Lane
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I used the machine blanket stitch on the long raw edged stems on my birdhouse quilt! I have a Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 machine and I set it up similarly to yours.

Judy Woods
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What is your stitch length?

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