How to Do Hand Applique with Verna Mosquera
(Show 806) Do you own-or have your ever dreamed of owning-a home-based, quilting-related business? If so, you'll want to hear what quiltmaker, fabric designer, and successful businesswoman Verna Mosquera has to say about the challenges of balancing business-her pattern company, The Vintage Spool, focuses on romantic and timeless quilt designs--and family life. Then Verna shows some of her beautiful quilts and gives Ricky a lesson in hand applique, focusing on clean, sharp points and deep Vs. The episode concludes with a tour of our location for the day, the home of Trish and Frank Cvetovac, where you'll enjoy a glimpse of the various rooms devoted to baseball, grandmother, and other "interesting" themes.
Visit: Tour the home of Trish and Frank Cvetovac in Sacramento, California.
Needle Turn, Applique Tips & Tricks, Quilt Pattern, Fabric Selection, Contemporary Quilts
Series 800