How to Do an Improv Puzzle Quilt and Improv Curved Piecing with Cindy Grisdela
(Show 2909) Cindy Grisdela designs eye-catching contemporary Improv quilts with fabric the way a painter uses paint. After Show and Tell, she shows how to piece strips and scraps into blocks that fit together like a puzzle. Not one to stay within a box, Cindy shares a technique for free-hand cutting curves without templates. Once you’ve mastered the basic shape it’s time to learn how to create variations using insets, triangles and her ‘confetti pops’ to make designs more dynamic. In the last demo Cindy shows an alternative way to mount a small finished quilt using stretched canvas.
Improvisational, Improv Piecing, Finishing, Modern Quilting, Curve Piecing
Product List:
Artful Improv by Cindy Grisdela (C&T Publishing)
Adventures in Improv Quilts by Cindy Grisdela (C&T Publishing)
Golden-Liquid Acrylic Paint
Liquitex Acrylic Medium (Gel Medium)
Karen Kay Buckley Scissors
Oliso Iron