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Block of the Month Quilt 2014 A-Z for Ewe and Me! by Janet Stone

(Show 1401) Janet Stone, quilt designer and award-winning quilter, has designed the 2014 TQS Block of the Month, A-Z for EWE and Me!. Ever since childhood, Janet has been intrigued by typography, and her wonderfully original designs clearly demonstrate this lifelong passion for all things "alphabet."  Janet shares a "flock" of tips for stitching accurate and easy flying-geese and half-square-triangle units, as well as some terrific ideas for creating machine-appliquéd letters . . . all useful techniques for making your own version of the BOM quilt. Also, Ricky demonstrates how to spice up your bindings with a scalloped detail.

Block Featured: Flying Geese

Machine Appliqué, Raw Edge Appliqué, Piecing, Letters & Words, Binding
Series 1400

Gloria sieloff
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How do I confirm I am not a bot? The directions do not post.

Sue Cooper
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This is a fantastic show and Janet Stone IS A Teacher!! Thank you so much !!!

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I want to do the "A TO Z FOR EWE AND ME" ! I printed it out... I thought but there is now list of fabrics needed and so far I find that step 3 of "F" -page 8 did not print. Can I still open and see this pattern? I sure hope so. We were...

I want to do the "A TO Z FOR EWE AND ME" ! I printed it out... I thought but there is now list of fabrics needed and so far I find that step 3 of "F" -page 8 did not print. Can I still open and see this pattern? I sure hope so. We were told that this BOM could be done as we renewed our membership. I am not interested in the 'Down Under'...pattern.. it is nice but I REALLY want to do this one...A to Z...please help me.

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how to download pattern for A-Z with Ewe and Me

Kay Eccleston
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I thought A-Z and Ewe was going to be offered as a pattern for a BOM when the new website was up and running.
Is this not true? Is there a pattern for A-Z? Thanks!

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